002 * Zmanim Java API
003 * Copyright (C) 2004-2023 Eliyahu Hershfeld
004 *
005 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
006 * Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
007 * any later version.
008 *
009 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
010 * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
011 * details.
012 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to
013 * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA,
014 * or connect to: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html
015 */
016package com.kosherjava.zmanim.util;
018import java.util.Calendar;
021 * Implementation of sunrise and sunset methods to calculate astronomical times. This calculator uses the Java algorithm
022 * written by <a href="htts://web.archive.org/web/20090531215353/http://www.kevinboone.com/suntimes.html">Kevin
023 * Boone</a> that is based on the <a href = "https://aa.usno.navy.mil/">US Naval Observatory's</a><a
024 * href="https://aa.usno.navy.mil/publications/asa">Astronomical Almanac</a> and used with his permission. Added to Kevin's
025 * code is adjustment of the zenith to account for elevation. This algorithm returns the same time every year and does not
026 * account for leap years. It is not as accurate as the Jean Meeus based {@link NOAACalculator} that is the default calculator
027 * use by the KosherJava <em>zmanim</em> library.
028 * 
029 * @author &copy; Eliyahu Hershfeld 2004 - 2023
030 * @author &copy; Kevin Boone 2000
031 */
032public class SunTimesCalculator extends AstronomicalCalculator {
034        /**
035         * @see com.kosherjava.zmanim.util.AstronomicalCalculator#getCalculatorName()
036         */
037        public String getCalculatorName() {
038                return "US Naval Almanac Algorithm";
039        }
041        /**
042         * @see com.kosherjava.zmanim.util.AstronomicalCalculator#getUTCSunrise(Calendar, GeoLocation, double, boolean)
043         */
044        public double getUTCSunrise(Calendar calendar, GeoLocation geoLocation, double zenith, boolean adjustForElevation) {
045                double doubleTime = Double.NaN;
046                double elevation = adjustForElevation ? geoLocation.getElevation() : 0;
047                double adjustedZenith = adjustZenith(zenith, elevation);
048                doubleTime = getTimeUTC(calendar, geoLocation, adjustedZenith, true);
049                return doubleTime;
050        }
052        /**
053         * @see com.kosherjava.zmanim.util.AstronomicalCalculator#getUTCSunset(Calendar, GeoLocation, double, boolean)
054         */
055        public double getUTCSunset(Calendar calendar, GeoLocation geoLocation, double zenith, boolean adjustForElevation) {
056                double doubleTime = Double.NaN;
057                double elevation = adjustForElevation ? geoLocation.getElevation() : 0;
058                double adjustedZenith = adjustZenith(zenith, elevation);
059                doubleTime = getTimeUTC(calendar, geoLocation, adjustedZenith, false);
060                return doubleTime;
061        }
063        /**
064         * The number of degrees of longitude that corresponds to one hour time difference.
065         */
066        private static final double DEG_PER_HOUR = 360.0 / 24.0;
068        /**
069         * @param deg the degrees
070         * @return sin of the angle in degrees
071         */
072        private static double sinDeg(double deg) {
073                return Math.sin(deg * 2.0 * Math.PI / 360.0);
074        }
076        /**
077         * @param x angle
078         * @return acos of the angle in degrees
079         */
080        private static double acosDeg(double x) {
081                return Math.acos(x) * 360.0 / (2 * Math.PI);
082        }
084        /**
085         * @param x angle
086         * @return asin of the angle in degrees
087         */
088        private static double asinDeg(double x) {
089                return Math.asin(x) * 360.0 / (2 * Math.PI);
090        }
092        /**
093         * @param deg degrees
094         * @return tan of the angle in degrees
095         */
096        private static double tanDeg(double deg) {
097                return Math.tan(deg * 2.0 * Math.PI / 360.0);
098        }
100        /**
101         * Calculate cosine of the angle in degrees
102         * 
103         * @param deg degrees
104         * @return cosine of the angle in degrees
105         */
106        private static double cosDeg(double deg) {
107                return Math.cos(deg * 2.0 * Math.PI / 360.0);
108        }
110        /**
111         * Get time difference between location's longitude and the Meridian, in hours.
112         * 
113         * @param longitude the longitude
114         * @return time difference between the location's longitude and the Meridian, in hours. West of Meridian has a negative time difference
115         */
116        private static double getHoursFromMeridian(double longitude) {
117                return longitude / DEG_PER_HOUR;
118        }
120        /**
121         * Calculate the approximate time of sunset or sunrise in days since midnight Jan 1st, assuming 6am and 6pm events. We
122         * need this figure to derive the Sun's mean anomaly.
123         * 
124         * @param dayOfYear the day of year
125         * @param hoursFromMeridian hours from the meridian
126         * @param isSunrise true for sunrise and false for sunset
127         * 
128         * @return the approximate time of sunset or sunrise in days since midnight Jan 1st, assuming 6am and 6pm events. We
129         * need this figure to derive the Sun's mean anomaly.
130         */
131        private static double getApproxTimeDays(int dayOfYear, double hoursFromMeridian, boolean isSunrise) {
132                if (isSunrise) {
133                        return dayOfYear + ((6.0 - hoursFromMeridian) / 24);
134                } else { // sunset
135                        return dayOfYear + ((18.0 - hoursFromMeridian) / 24);
136                }
137        }
139        /**
140         * Calculate the Sun's mean anomaly in degrees, at sunrise or sunset, given the longitude in degrees
141         * 
142         * @param dayOfYear the day of the year
143         * @param longitude longitude
144         * @param isSunrise true for sunrise and false for sunset
145         * @return the Sun's mean anomaly in degrees
146         */
147        private static double getMeanAnomaly(int dayOfYear, double longitude, boolean isSunrise) {
148                return (0.9856 * getApproxTimeDays(dayOfYear, getHoursFromMeridian(longitude), isSunrise)) - 3.289;
149        }
151        /**
152         * @param sunMeanAnomaly the Sun's mean anomaly in degrees
153         * @return the Sun's true longitude in degrees. The result is an angle &gt;= 0 and &lt;= 360.
154         */
155        private static double getSunTrueLongitude(double sunMeanAnomaly) {
156                double l = sunMeanAnomaly + (1.916 * sinDeg(sunMeanAnomaly)) + (0.020 * sinDeg(2 * sunMeanAnomaly)) + 282.634;
158                // get longitude into 0-360 degree range
159                if (l >= 360.0) {
160                        l = l - 360.0;
161                }
162                if (l < 0) {
163                        l = l + 360.0;
164                }
165                return l;
166        }
168        /**
169         * Calculates the Sun's right ascension in hours.
170         * @param sunTrueLongitude the Sun's true longitude in degrees &gt; 0 and &lt; 360.
171         * @return the Sun's right ascension in hours in angles &gt; 0 and &lt; 360.
172         */
173        private static double getSunRightAscensionHours(double sunTrueLongitude) {
174                double a = 0.91764 * tanDeg(sunTrueLongitude);
175                double ra = 360.0 / (2.0 * Math.PI) * Math.atan(a);
177                double lQuadrant = Math.floor(sunTrueLongitude / 90.0) * 90.0;
178                double raQuadrant = Math.floor(ra / 90.0) * 90.0;
179                ra = ra + (lQuadrant - raQuadrant);
181                return ra / DEG_PER_HOUR; // convert to hours
182        }
184        /**
185         * Calculate the cosine of the Sun's local hour angle
186         * 
187         * @param sunTrueLongitude the sun's true longitude
188         * @param latitude the latitude
189         * @param zenith the zenith
190         * @return the cosine of the Sun's local hour angle
191         */
192        private static double getCosLocalHourAngle(double sunTrueLongitude, double latitude, double zenith) {
193                double sinDec = 0.39782 * sinDeg(sunTrueLongitude);
194                double cosDec = cosDeg(asinDeg(sinDec));
195                return (cosDeg(zenith) - (sinDec * sinDeg(latitude))) / (cosDec * cosDeg(latitude));
196        }
198        /**
199         * Calculate local mean time of rising or setting. By 'local' is meant the exact time at the location, assuming that
200         * there were no time zone. That is, the time difference between the location and the Meridian depended entirely on
201         * the longitude. We can't do anything with this time directly; we must convert it to UTC and then to a local time.
202         * 
203         * @param localHour the local hour
204         * @param sunRightAscensionHours the sun's right ascention in hours
205         * @param approxTimeDays approximate time days
206         * 
207         * @return the fractional number of hours since midnight as a double
208         */
209        private static double getLocalMeanTime(double localHour, double sunRightAscensionHours, double approxTimeDays) {
210                return localHour + sunRightAscensionHours - (0.06571 * approxTimeDays) - 6.622;
211        }
213        /**
214         * Get sunrise or sunset time in UTC, according to flag. This time is returned as
215         * a double and is not adjusted for time-zone.
216         * 
217         * @param calendar
218         *            the Calendar object to extract the day of year for calculation
219         * @param geoLocation
220         *            the GeoLocation object that contains the latitude and longitude
221         * @param zenith
222         *            Sun's zenith, in degrees
223         * @param isSunrise
224         *            True for sunrise and false for sunset.
225         * @return the time as a double. If an error was encountered in the calculation
226         *         (expected behavior for some locations such as near the poles,
227         *         {@link Double#NaN} will be returned.
228         */
229        private static double getTimeUTC(Calendar calendar, GeoLocation geoLocation, double zenith, boolean isSunrise) {
230                int dayOfYear = calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR);
231                double sunMeanAnomaly = getMeanAnomaly(dayOfYear, geoLocation.getLongitude(), isSunrise);
232                double sunTrueLong = getSunTrueLongitude(sunMeanAnomaly);
233                double sunRightAscensionHours = getSunRightAscensionHours(sunTrueLong);
234                double cosLocalHourAngle = getCosLocalHourAngle(sunTrueLong, geoLocation.getLatitude(), zenith);
236                double localHourAngle = 0;
237                if (isSunrise) {
238                        localHourAngle = 360.0 - acosDeg(cosLocalHourAngle);
239                } else { // sunset
240                        localHourAngle = acosDeg(cosLocalHourAngle);
241                }
242                double localHour = localHourAngle / DEG_PER_HOUR;
244                double localMeanTime = getLocalMeanTime(localHour, sunRightAscensionHours,
245                                getApproxTimeDays(dayOfYear, getHoursFromMeridian(geoLocation.getLongitude()), isSunrise));
246                double pocessedTime = localMeanTime - getHoursFromMeridian(geoLocation.getLongitude());
247                while (pocessedTime < 0.0) {
248                        pocessedTime += 24.0;
249                }
250                while (pocessedTime >= 24.0) {
251                        pocessedTime -= 24.0;
252                }
253                return pocessedTime;
254        }
256        /**
257         * Return the <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Coordinated_Time">Universal Coordinated Time</a> (UTC)
258         * of <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noon#Solar_noon">solar noon</a> for the given day at the given location
259         * on earth. This implementation returns solar noon as the time halfway between sunrise and sunset.
260         * {@link NOAACalculator}, the default calculator, returns true solar noon. See <a href=
261         * "https://kosherjava.com/2020/07/02/definition-of-chatzos/">The Definition of Chatzos</a> for details on solar
262         * noon calculations.
263         * @see com.kosherjava.zmanim.util.AstronomicalCalculator#getUTCNoon(Calendar, GeoLocation)
264         * @see NOAACalculator
265         * 
266         * @param calendar
267         *            The Calendar representing the date to calculate solar noon for
268         * @param geoLocation
269         *            The location information used for astronomical calculating sun times.
270         * @return the time in minutes from zero UTC. If an error was encountered in the calculation (expected behavior for
271         *         some locations such as near the poles, {@link Double#NaN} will be returned.
272         */
273        public double getUTCNoon(Calendar calendar, GeoLocation geoLocation) {
274                double sunrise = getUTCSunrise(calendar, geoLocation, 90, false);
275                double sunset = getUTCSunset(calendar, geoLocation, 90, false);
276                double noon = sunrise + ((sunset - sunrise) / 2);
277                if(noon < 0) {
278                        noon += 12;
279                }
280                if(noon < sunrise) {
281                        noon -= 12;
282                } 
283                return noon;
284        }