Class Daf
Field Summary
FieldsModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprivate int
.private int
private static final String[]
.private static String[]
private static final String[]
private static String[]
Constructor Summary
(int masechtaNumber, int daf) Constructor that creates a Daf setting themasechta number
anddaf number
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Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionint
Returns the daf (page) number of the Daf Yomi.Returns the masechta (tractate) of the Daf Yomi in
Gets the masechta number of the currently set Daf.Returns the transliterated name of the masechta (tractate) of the Daf Yomi.Returns the Yerushalmi masechta (tractate) of the Daf Yomi in Hebrew.Returns the transliterated name of the masechta (tractate) of the Daf Yomi in Yerushalmi.static String[]
Getter method to allow retrieving the list of Yerushalmi masechtos.static String[]
Getter method to allow retrieving the list of Yerushalmi masechtos transliterated into into Latin chars.Deprecated.misspelled method name to be removed in 3.0.0.static String[]
Deprecated.misspelled method name to be removed in 3.0.0.static String[]
Deprecated.misspelled method name to be removed in 3.0.0.void
(int daf) Sets the daf (page) number of the Daf Yomi.void
(int masechtaNumber) Set the masechta number in the order of the Daf Yomi.void
(String[] masechtosBavliTransliterated) Setter method to allow overriding of the default list of masechtos transliterated into into Latin chars.void
(String[] masechtosYerushalmiTransliterated) Setter method to allow overriding of the default list of Yerushalmi masechtos transliterated into into Latin chars.void
(String[] masechtosYerushalmiTransliterated) Deprecated.misspelled method name to be removed in 3.0.0.
Field Details
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Constructor Details
Constructor that creates a Daf setting themasechta number
anddaf number
.- Parameters:
- the masechta number in the order of the Daf Yomi to set as the current masechta.daf
- the daf (page) number to set.
Method Details
Gets the masechta number of the currently set Daf. The sequence is: Berachos, Shabbos, Eruvin, Pesachim, Shekalim, Yoma, Sukkah, Beitzah, Rosh Hashana, Taanis, Megillah, Moed Katan, Chagigah, Yevamos, Kesubos, Nedarim, Nazir, Sotah, Gitin, Kiddushin, Bava Kamma, Bava Metzia, Bava Basra, Sanhedrin, Makkos, Shevuos, Avodah Zarah, Horiyos, Zevachim, Menachos, Chullin, Bechoros, Arachin, Temurah, Kerisos, Meilah, Kinnim, Tamid, Midos and Niddah.- Returns:
- the masechtaNumber.
- See Also:
Set the masechta number in the order of the Daf Yomi. The sequence is: Berachos, Shabbos, Eruvin, Pesachim, Shekalim, Yoma, Sukkah, Beitzah, Rosh Hashana, Taanis, Megillah, Moed Katan, Chagigah, Yevamos, Kesubos, Nedarim, Nazir, Sotah, Gitin, Kiddushin, Bava Kamma, Bava Metzia, Bava Basra, Sanhedrin, Makkos, Shevuos, Avodah Zarah, Horiyos, Zevachim, Menachos, Chullin, Bechoros, Arachin, Temurah, Kerisos, Meilah, Kinnim, Tamid, Midos and Niddah.- Parameters:
- the masechta number in the order of the Daf Yomi to set.
Returns the daf (page) number of the Daf Yomi.- Returns:
- the daf (page) number of the Daf Yomi.
Sets the daf (page) number of the Daf Yomi.- Parameters:
- the daf (page) number.
Returns the transliterated name of the masechta (tractate) of the Daf Yomi. The list of mashechtos is: Berachos, Shabbos, Eruvin, Pesachim, Shekalim, Yoma, Sukkah, Beitzah, Rosh Hashana, Taanis, Megillah, Moed Katan, Chagigah, Yevamos, Kesubos, Nedarim, Nazir, Sotah, Gitin, Kiddushin, Bava Kamma, Bava Metzia, Bava Basra, Sanhedrin, Makkos, Shevuos, Avodah Zarah, Horiyos, Zevachim, Menachos, Chullin, Bechoros, Arachin, Temurah, Kerisos, Meilah, Kinnim, Tamid, Midos and Niddah.- Returns:
- the transliterated name of the masechta (tractate) of the Daf Yomi such as Berachos.
- See Also:
Setter method to allow overriding of the default list of masechtos transliterated into into Latin chars. The default values use Ashkenazi American English transliteration.- Parameters:
- the list of transliterated Bavli masechtos to set.- See Also:
Returns the masechta (tractate) of the Daf Yomi in Hebrew. The list is in the following format
["ברכות", "שבת", "עירובין", "פסחים", "שקלים", "יומא", "סוכה", "ביצה", "ראש השנה", "תענית", "מגילה", "מועד קטן", "חגיגה", "יבמות", "כתובות", "נדרים","נזיר", "סוטה", "גיטין", "קידושין", "בבא קמא", "בבא מציעא", "בבא בתרא", "סנהדרין", "מכות", "שבועות", "עבודה זרה", "הוריות", "זבחים", "מנחות", "חולין", "בכורות", "ערכין", "תמורה", "כריתות", "מעילה", "קינים", "תמיד", "מידות", "נדה"]
.- Returns:
- the masechta (tractate) of the Daf Yomi in Hebrew. As an example, it will return ברכות for Berachos.
Returns the transliterated name of the masechta (tractate) of the Daf Yomi in Yerushalmi. The list of mashechtos is: Berachos, Pe'ah, Demai, Kilayim, Shevi'is, Terumos, Ma'asros, Ma'aser Sheni, Chalah, Orlah, Bikurim, Shabbos, Eruvin, Pesachim, Beitzah, Rosh Hashanah, Yoma, Sukah, Ta'anis, Shekalim, Megilah, Chagigah, Moed Katan, Yevamos, Kesuvos, Sotah, Nedarim, Nazir, Gitin, Kidushin, Bava Kama, Bava Metzia, Bava Basra, Shevuos, Makos, Sanhedrin, Avodah Zarah, Horayos, Nidah and No Daf Today.- Returns:
- the transliterated name of the masechta (tractate) of the Daf Yomi such as Berachos.
Deprecated.misspelled method name to be removed in 3.0.0.- Returns:
- the transliterated name of the masechta (tractate) of the Daf Yomi such as Berachos.
- See Also:
Setter method to allow overriding of the default list of Yerushalmi masechtos transliterated into into Latin chars. The default uses Ashkenazi American English transliteration.- Parameters:
- the list of transliterated Yerushalmi masechtos to set.
@Deprecated public void setYerushlmiMasechtaTransliterated(String[] masechtosYerushalmiTransliterated) Deprecated.misspelled method name to be removed in 3.0.0.- Parameters:
- the list of transliterated Yerushalmi masechtos to set.- See Also:
Getter method to allow retrieving the list of Yerushalmi masechtos transliterated into into Latin chars. The default uses Ashkenazi American English transliteration.- Returns:
- the array of transliterated masechta (tractate) names of the Daf Yomi Yerushalmi.
Deprecated.misspelled method name to be removed in 3.0.0.- Returns:
- the array of transliterated masechta (tractate) names of the Daf Yomi Yerushalmi.
- See Also:
Getter method to allow retrieving the list of Yerushalmi masechtos.- Returns:
- the array of Hebrew masechta (tractate) names of the Daf Yomi Yerushalmi.
Deprecated.misspelled method name to be removed in 3.0.0.- Returns:
- the array of Hebrew masechta (tractate) names of the Daf Yomi Yerushalmi.
- See Also:
Returns the Yerushalmi masechta (tractate) of the Daf Yomi in Hebrew. As an example, it will return ברכות for Berachos.- Returns:
- the Yerushalmi masechta (tractate) of the Daf Yomi in Hebrew. As an example, it will return ברכות for Berachos.