Class SunTimesCalculator

All Implemented Interfaces:

Implementation of sunrise and sunset methods to calculate astronomical times. This calculator uses the Java algorithm written by Kevin Boone that is based on the US Naval Observatory'sAstronomical Almanac and used with his permission. Added to Kevin's code is adjustment of the zenith to account for elevation. This algorithm returns the same time every year and does not account for leap years. It is not as accurate as the Jean Meeus based NOAACalculator that is the default calculator use by the KosherJava zmanim library.
© Eliyahu Hershfeld 2004 - 2025, © Kevin Boone 2000
  • Field Details


      private static final double DEG_PER_HOUR
      The number of degrees of longitude that corresponds to one hour of time difference.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • SunTimesCalculator

      Default constructor of the SunTimesCalculator.
  • Method Details

    • getCalculatorName

      Description copied from class: AstronomicalCalculator
      Returns the name of the algorithm.
      Specified by:
      getCalculatorName in class AstronomicalCalculator
      the descriptive name of the algorithm.
      See Also:
    • getUTCSunrise

      public double getUTCSunrise(Calendar calendar, GeoLocation geoLocation, double zenith, boolean adjustForElevation)
      Description copied from class: AstronomicalCalculator
      A method that calculates UTC sunrise as well as any time based on an angle above or below sunrise. This abstract method is implemented by the classes that extend this class.
      Specified by:
      getUTCSunrise in class AstronomicalCalculator
      calendar - Used to calculate day of year.
      geoLocation - The location information used for astronomical calculating sun times.
      zenith - the azimuth below the vertical zenith of 90 degrees. for sunrise typically the zenith used for the calculation uses geometric zenith of 90° and adjusts this slightly to account for solar refraction and the sun's radius. Another example would be AstronomicalCalendar.getBeginNauticalTwilight() that passes AstronomicalCalendar.NAUTICAL_ZENITH to this method.
      adjustForElevation - Should the time be adjusted for elevation
      The UTC time of sunrise in 24-hour format. 5:45:00 AM will return 5.75.0. If an error was encountered in the calculation (expected behavior for some locations such as near the poles, Double.NaN will be returned.
      See Also:
    • getUTCSunset

      public double getUTCSunset(Calendar calendar, GeoLocation geoLocation, double zenith, boolean adjustForElevation)
      Description copied from class: AstronomicalCalculator
      A method that calculates UTC sunset as well as any time based on an angle above or below sunset. This abstract method is implemented by the classes that extend this class.
      Specified by:
      getUTCSunset in class AstronomicalCalculator
      calendar - Used to calculate day of year.
      geoLocation - The location information used for astronomical calculating sun times.
      zenith - the azimuth below the vertical zenith of 90°. For sunset typically the zenith used for the calculation uses geometric zenith of 90° and adjusts this slightly to account for solar refraction and the sun's radius. Another example would be AstronomicalCalendar.getEndNauticalTwilight() that passes AstronomicalCalendar.NAUTICAL_ZENITH to this method.
      adjustForElevation - Should the time be adjusted for elevation
      The UTC time of sunset in 24-hour format. 5:45:00 AM will return 5.75.0. If an error was encountered in the calculation (expected behavior for some locations such as near the poles, Double.NaN will be returned.
      See Also:
    • sinDeg

      private static double sinDeg(double deg)
      The sine in degrees.
      deg - the degrees
      sin of the angle in degrees
    • acosDeg

      private static double acosDeg(double x)
      Return the arc cosine in degrees.
      x - angle
      acos of the angle in degrees
    • asinDeg

      private static double asinDeg(double x)
      Return the arc sine in degrees.
      x - angle
      asin of the angle in degrees
    • tanDeg

      private static double tanDeg(double deg)
      Return the tangent in degrees.
      deg - degrees
      tan of the angle in degrees
    • cosDeg

      private static double cosDeg(double deg)
      Calculate cosine of the angle in degrees
      deg - degrees
      cosine of the angle in degrees
    • getHoursFromMeridian

      private static double getHoursFromMeridian(double longitude)
      Get time difference between location's longitude and the Meridian, in hours.
      longitude - the longitude
      time difference between the location's longitude and the Meridian, in hours. West of Meridian has a negative time difference
    • getApproxTimeDays

      private static double getApproxTimeDays(int dayOfYear, double hoursFromMeridian, boolean isSunrise)
      Calculate the approximate time of sunset or sunrise in days since midnight Jan 1st, assuming 6am and 6pm events. We need this figure to derive the Sun's mean anomaly.
      dayOfYear - the day of year
      hoursFromMeridian - hours from the meridian
      isSunrise - true for sunrise and false for sunset
      the approximate time of sunset or sunrise in days since midnight Jan 1st, assuming 6am and 6pm events. We need this figure to derive the Sun's mean anomaly.
    • getMeanAnomaly

      private static double getMeanAnomaly(int dayOfYear, double longitude, boolean isSunrise)
      Calculate the Sun's mean anomaly in degrees, at sunrise or sunset, given the longitude in degrees
      dayOfYear - the day of the year
      longitude - longitude
      isSunrise - true for sunrise and false for sunset
      the Sun's mean anomaly in degrees
    • getSunTrueLongitude

      private static double getSunTrueLongitude(double sunMeanAnomaly)
      Returns the Sun's true longitude in degrees.
      sunMeanAnomaly - the Sun's mean anomaly in degrees
      the Sun's true longitude in degrees. The result is an angle >= 0 and <= 360.
    • getSunRightAscensionHours

      private static double getSunRightAscensionHours(double sunTrueLongitude)
      Calculates the Sun's right ascension in hours.
      sunTrueLongitude - the Sun's true longitude in degrees > 0 and < 360.
      the Sun's right ascension in hours in angles > 0 and < 360.
    • getCosLocalHourAngle

      private static double getCosLocalHourAngle(double sunTrueLongitude, double latitude, double zenith)
      Calculate the cosine of the Sun's local hour angle
      sunTrueLongitude - the sun's true longitude
      latitude - the latitude
      zenith - the zenith
      the cosine of the Sun's local hour angle
    • getLocalMeanTime

      private static double getLocalMeanTime(double localHour, double sunRightAscensionHours, double approxTimeDays)
      Calculate local mean time of rising or setting. By 'local' is meant the exact time at the location, assuming that there were no time zone. That is, the time difference between the location and the Meridian depended entirely on the longitude. We can't do anything with this time directly; we must convert it to UTC and then to a local time.
      localHour - the local hour
      sunRightAscensionHours - the sun's right ascension in hours
      approxTimeDays - approximate time days
      the fractional number of hours since midnight as a double
    • getTimeUTC

      private static double getTimeUTC(Calendar calendar, GeoLocation geoLocation, double zenith, boolean isSunrise)
      Get sunrise or sunset time in UTC, according to flag. This time is returned as a double and is not adjusted for time-zone.
      calendar - the Calendar object to extract the day of year for calculation
      geoLocation - the GeoLocation object that contains the latitude and longitude
      zenith - Sun's zenith, in degrees
      isSunrise - True for sunrise and false for sunset.
      the time as a double. If an error was encountered in the calculation (expected behavior for some locations such as near the poles, Double.NaN will be returned.
    • getUTCNoon

      public double getUTCNoon(Calendar calendar, GeoLocation geoLocation)
      Return the Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) of solar noon for the given day at the given location on earth. This implementation returns solar noon as the time halfway between sunrise and sunset. NOAACalculator, the default calculator, returns true solar noon. See The Definition of Chatzos for details on solar noon calculations.
      Specified by:
      getUTCNoon in class AstronomicalCalculator
      calendar - The Calendar representing the date to calculate solar noon for
      geoLocation - The location information used for astronomical calculating sun times.
      the time in minutes from zero UTC. If an error was encountered in the calculation (expected behavior for some locations such as near the poles, Double.NaN will be returned.
      See Also:
    • getUTCMidnight

      public double getUTCMidnight(Calendar calendar, GeoLocation geoLocation)
      Return the Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) of midnight for the given day at the given location on earth. This implementation returns solar midnight as 12 hours after utc noon that is halfway between sunrise and sunset. NOAACalculator, the default calculator, returns true solar noon. See The Definition of Chatzos for details on solar noon calculations.
      Specified by:
      getUTCMidnight in class AstronomicalCalculator
      calendar - The Calendar representing the date to calculate solar noon for
      geoLocation - The location information used for astronomical calculating sun times.
      the time in minutes from zero UTC. If an error was encountered in the calculation (expected behavior for some locations such as near the poles, Double.NaN will be returned.
      See Also: