Class YerushalmiYomiCalculator


public class YerushalmiYomiCalculator extends Object
This class calculates the Talmud Yerusalmi Daf Yomi page (Daf) for the a given date.
© elihaidv, © Eliyahu Hershfeld 2017 - 2025
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getDafYomiYerushalmi

      public static Daf getDafYomiYerushalmi(JewishCalendar calendar)
      Returns the Daf Yomi Yerusalmi page (Daf) for a given date. The first Daf Yomi cycle started on 15 Shevat (Tu Bishvat), 5740 (February, 2, 1980) and calculations prior to this date will result in an IllegalArgumentException thrown. A null will be returned on Tisha B'Av or Yom Kippur.
      calendar - the calendar date for calculation
      the Daf or null if the date is on Tisha B'Av or Yom Kippur.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the date is prior to the February 2, 1980, the start of the first Daf Yomi Yerushalmi cycle
    • getNumOfSpecialDays

      private static int getNumOfSpecialDays(Calendar start, Calendar end)
      Return the number of special days (Yom Kippur and Tisha Beav, where there are no dafim), between the start date (as a Calendar) and end date (also as a Calendar).
      start - date to start calculating from
      end - date to finish calculating at
      the number of special days between the start and end dates
    • isBetween

      private static boolean isBetween(Calendar start, Calendar date, Calendar end)
      Return if the date is between two dates
      start - the start date
      date - the date being compared
      end - the end date
      if the date is between the start and end dates
    • getDiffBetweenDays

      private static long getDiffBetweenDays(Calendar start, Calendar end)
      Return the number of days between the dates passed in
      start - the start date
      end - the end date
      the number of days between the start and end dates