Class JewishCalendar

All Implemented Interfaces:
Cloneable, Comparable<JewishDate>

public class JewishCalendar extends JewishDate
The JewishCalendar extends the JewishDate class and adds calendar methods. This open source Java code was originally ported by Avrom Finkelstien from his C++ code. It was refactored to fit the KosherJava Zmanim API with simplification of the code, enhancements and some bug fixing. The class allows setting whether the holiday and parsha scheme follows the Israel scheme or outside Israel scheme. The default is the outside Israel scheme. The parsha code was ported by Y. Paritcher from his libzmanim code.
© Y. Paritcher 2019 - 2022, © Avrom Finkelstien 2002, © Eliyahu Hershfeld 2011 - 2023
See Also:
Some do not belong in this class, but here is a partial list of what should still be implemented in some form:
  1. Mishna yomis etc
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • JewishCalendar

      public JewishCalendar()
      Default constructor will set a default date to the current system date.
    • JewishCalendar

      public JewishCalendar(Date date)
      A constructor that initializes the date to the Date parameter.
      date - the Date to set the calendar to
    • JewishCalendar

      public JewishCalendar(Calendar calendar)
      A constructor that initializes the date to the Calendar parameter.
      calendar - the Calendar to set the calendar to
    • JewishCalendar

      public JewishCalendar(LocalDate localDate)
      A constructor that initializes the date to the LocalDate parameter.
      localDate - the LocalDate to set the calendar to
    • JewishCalendar

      public JewishCalendar(int jewishYear, int jewishMonth, int jewishDayOfMonth)
      Creates a Jewish date based on a Jewish year, month and day of month.
      jewishYear - the Jewish year
      jewishMonth - the Jewish month. The method expects a 1 for Nissan ... 12 for Adar and 13 for Adar II. Use the constants JewishDate.NISSAN ... JewishDate.ADAR (or JewishDate.ADAR_II for a leap year Adar II) to avoid any confusion.
      jewishDayOfMonth - the Jewish day of month. If 30 is passed in for a month with only 29 days (for example JewishDate.IYAR, or JewishDate.KISLEV in a year that JewishDate.isKislevShort()), the 29th (last valid date of the month) will be set
      IllegalArgumentException - if the day of month is < 1 or > 30, or a year of < 0 is passed in.
    • JewishCalendar

      public JewishCalendar(int jewishYear, int jewishMonth, int jewishDayOfMonth, boolean inIsrael)
      Creates a Jewish date based on a Jewish date and whether in Israel
      jewishYear - the Jewish year
      jewishMonth - the Jewish month. The method expects a 1 for Nissan ... 12 for Adar and 13 for Adar II. Use the constants JewishDate.NISSAN ... JewishDate.ADAR (or JewishDate.ADAR_II for a leap year Adar II) to avoid any confusion.
      jewishDayOfMonth - the Jewish day of month. If 30 is passed in for a month with only 29 days (for example JewishDate.IYAR, or JewishDate.KISLEV in a year that JewishDate.isKislevShort()), the 29th (last valid date of the month) will be set.
      inIsrael - whether in Israel. This affects Yom Tov calculations
  • Method Details

    • isUseModernHolidays

      public boolean isUseModernHolidays()
      Is this calendar set to return modern Israeli national holidays. By default this value is false. The holidays are Yom HaShoah, Yom Hazikaron, Yom Ha'atzmaut and Yom Yerushalayim.
      the useModernHolidays true if set to return modern Israeli national holidays
      See Also:
    • setUseModernHolidays

      public void setUseModernHolidays(boolean useModernHolidays)
      Sets the calendar to return modern Israeli national holidays. By default this value is false. The holidays are: Yom HaShoah, Yom Hazikaron, Yom Ha'atzmaut and Yom Yerushalayim.
      useModernHolidays - the useModernHolidays to set
      See Also:
    • setInIsrael

      public void setInIsrael(boolean inIsrael)
      Sets whether to use Israel holiday scheme or not. Default is false.
      inIsrael - set to true for calculations for Israel
      See Also:
    • getInIsrael

      public boolean getInIsrael()
      Gets whether Israel holiday scheme is used or not. The default (if not set) is false.
      if the calendar is set to Israel
      See Also:
    • getIsMukafChoma

      public boolean getIsMukafChoma()
      Returns if the city is set as a city surrounded by a wall from the time of Yehoshua, and Shushan Purim should be celebrated as opposed to regular Purim.
      if the city is set as a city surrounded by a wall from the time of Yehoshua, and Shushan Purim should be celebrated as opposed to regular Purim.
      See Also:
    • setIsMukafChoma

      public void setIsMukafChoma(boolean isMukafChoma)
      Sets if the location is surrounded by a wall from the time of Yehoshua, and Shushan Purim should be celebrated as opposed to regular Purim. This should be set for Yerushalayim, Shushan and other cities.
      isMukafChoma - is the city surrounded by a wall from the time of Yehoshua.
      See Also:
    • isBirkasHachamah

      public boolean isBirkasHachamah()
      Birkas Hachamah is recited every 28 years based on Tekufas Shmuel (Julian years) that a year is 365.25 days. The Rambam in Hilchos Kiddush Hachodesh 9:3 states that tekufas Nissan of year 1 was 7 days + 9 hours before molad Nissan. This is calculated as every 10,227 days (28 * 365.25).
      true for a day that Birkas Hachamah is recited.
    • getParshaYearType

      private int getParshaYearType()
      Return the type of year for parsha calculations. The algorithm follows the Luach Arba'ah Shearim in the Tur Ohr Hachaim.
      the type of year for parsha calculations.
    • getParshah

      Returns this week's Parsha if it is Shabbos. It returns JewishCalendar.Parsha.NONE if the date is a weekday or if there is no parsha that week (for example Yom Tov that falls on a Shabbos).
      the current parsha.
    • getUpcomingParshah

      Returns the upcoming Parsha regardless of if it is the weekday or Shabbos (where next Shabbos's Parsha will be returned. This is unlike getParshah() that returns JewishCalendar.Parsha.NONE if the date is not Shabbos. If the upcoming Shabbos is a Yom Tov and has no Parsha, the following week's Parsha will be returned.
      the upcoming parsha.
    • getSpecialShabbos

      Returns a Parsha enum if the Shabbos is one of the four parshiyos of Shkalim, Zachor, Para, Hachdesh, or five other special Shabbasos of Hagadol, Chazon, Nachamu, Shuva, Shira, or Parsha.NONE for a regular Shabbos (or any weekday).
      one of the four parshiyos of Shkalim, Zachor, Para, Hachdesh, or five other special Shabbasos of Hagadol, Chazon, Nachamu, Shuva, Shira, or Parsha.NONE for a regular Shabbos (or any weekday).
    • getYomTovIndex

      public int getYomTovIndex()
      Returns an index of the Jewish holiday or fast day for the current day, or a -1 if there is no holiday for this day. There are constants in this class representing each Yom Tov. Formatting of the Yomim tovim is done in the HebrewDateFormatter.formatYomTov(JewishCalendar).
      the index of the holiday such as the constant LAG_BAOMER or YOM_KIPPUR or a -1 if it is not a holiday.
      See Also:
      Consider using enums instead of the constant ints.
    • isYomTov

      public boolean isYomTov()
      Returns true if the current day is Yom Tov. The method returns true even for holidays such as CHANUKAH and minor ones such as TU_BEAV and PESACH_SHENI. Erev Yom Tov (with the exception of HOSHANA_RABBA, erev the second days of PESACH) returns false, as do fast days besides YOM_KIPPUR. Use isAssurBemelacha() to find the days that have a prohibition of work.
      true if the current day is a Yom Tov
      See Also:
    • isYomTovAssurBemelacha

      public boolean isYomTovAssurBemelacha()
      Returns true if the Yom Tov day has a melacha (work) prohibition. This method will return false for a non-Yom Tov day, even if it is Shabbos.
      if the Yom Tov day has a melacha (work) prohibition.
    • isAssurBemelacha

      public boolean isAssurBemelacha()
      Returns true if it is Shabbos or if it is a Yom Tov day that has a melacha (work) prohibition.
      if the day is a Yom Tov that is assur bemlacha or Shabbos
    • hasCandleLighting

      public boolean hasCandleLighting()
      Returns true if the day has candle lighting. This will return true on Erev Shabbos, Erev Yom Tov, the first day of Rosh Hashana and the first days of Yom Tov out of Israel. It is identical to calling isTomorrowShabbosOrYomTov().
      if the day has candle lighting.
      See Also:
    • isTomorrowShabbosOrYomTov

      public boolean isTomorrowShabbosOrYomTov()
      Returns true if tomorrow is Shabbos or Yom Tov. This will return true on Erev Shabbos, Erev Yom Tov, the first day of Rosh Hashana and erev the first days of Yom Tov out of Israel. It is identical to calling hasCandleLighting().
      will return if the next day is Shabbos or Yom Tov.
      See Also:
    • isErevYomTovSheni

      public boolean isErevYomTovSheni()
      Returns true if the day is the second day of Yom Tov. This impacts the second day of Rosh Hashana everywhere and the second days of Yom Tov in chutz laaretz (out of Israel).
      if the day is the second day of Yom Tov.
    • isAseresYemeiTeshuva

      public boolean isAseresYemeiTeshuva()
      Returns true if the current day is Aseres Yemei Teshuva.
      if the current day is Aseres Yemei Teshuvah
    • isPesach

      public boolean isPesach()
      Returns true if the current day is Pesach (either the Yom Tov of Pesach orChol Hamoed Pesach).
      true if the current day is Pesach (either the Yom Tov of Pesach orChol Hamoed Pesach).
      See Also:
    • isCholHamoedPesach

      public boolean isCholHamoedPesach()
      Returns true if the current day is Chol Hamoed of Pesach.
      true if the current day is Chol Hamoed of Pesach
      See Also:
    • isShavuos

      public boolean isShavuos()
      Returns true if the current day is Shavuos.
      true if the current day is Shavuos.
      See Also:
    • isRoshHashana

      public boolean isRoshHashana()
      Returns true if the current day is Rosh Hashana.
      true if the current day is Rosh Hashana.
      See Also:
    • isYomKippur

      public boolean isYomKippur()
      Returns true if the current day is Yom Kippur.
      true if the current day is Yom Kippur.
      See Also:
    • isSuccos

      public boolean isSuccos()
      Returns true if the current day is Succos (either the Yom Tov of Succos orChol Hamoed Succos). It will return false for Shmini Atzeres and Simchas Torah.
      true if the current day is Succos (either the Yom Tov of Succos orChol Hamoed Succos.
      See Also:
    • isHoshanaRabba

      public boolean isHoshanaRabba()
      Returns true if the current day is Hoshana Rabba.
      true true if the current day is Hoshana Rabba.
      See Also:
    • isShminiAtzeres

      public boolean isShminiAtzeres()
      Returns true if the current day is Shmini Atzeres.
      true if the current day is Shmini Atzeres.
      See Also:
    • isSimchasTorah

      public boolean isSimchasTorah()
      Returns true if the current day is Simchas Torah. This will always return false if in Israel
      true if the current day is Shmini Atzeres.
      See Also:
    • isCholHamoedSuccos

      public boolean isCholHamoedSuccos()
      Returns true if the current day is Chol Hamoed of Succos.
      true if the current day is Chol Hamoed of Succos
      See Also:
    • isCholHamoed

      public boolean isCholHamoed()
      Returns true if the current day is Chol Hamoed of Pesach or Succos.
      true if the current day is Chol Hamoed of Pesach or Succos
      See Also:
    • isErevYomTov

      public boolean isErevYomTov()
      Returns true if the current day is Erev Yom Tov. The method returns true for Erev - Pesach (first and last days), Shavuos, Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur, Succos and Hoshana Rabba.
      true if the current day is Erev - Pesach, Shavuos, Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur, Succos and Hoshana Rabba.
      See Also:
    • isErevRoshChodesh

      public boolean isErevRoshChodesh()
      Returns true if the current day is Erev Rosh Chodesh. Returns false for Erev Rosh Hashana.
      true if the current day is Erev Rosh Chodesh. Returns false for Erev Rosh Hashana.
      See Also:
    • isYomKippurKatan

      public boolean isYomKippurKatan()
      Returns true if the current day is Yom Kippur Katan. Returns false for Erev Rosh Hashana, Erev Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan, Teves and Iyyar. If Erev Rosh Chodesh occurs on a Friday or Shabbos, Yom Kippur Katan is moved back to Thursday.
      true if the current day is Erev Rosh Chodesh. Returns false for Erev Rosh Hashana.
      See Also:
    • isBeHaB

      public boolean isBeHaB()
      The Monday, Thursday and Monday after the first Shabbos after Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan and Iyar are BeHaB days. If the last Monday of Iyar's BeHaB coincides with Pesach Sheni, the method currently considers it both Pesach Sheni and BeHaB. As seen in an Ohr Sameach article on the subject The unknown Days: BeHaB Vs. Pesach Sheini? there are some customs that delay the day to various points in the future.
      true if the day is BeHaB.
    • isTaanis

      public boolean isTaanis()
      Return true if the day is a Taanis (fast day). Return true for 17 of Tammuz, Tisha B'Av, Yom Kippur, Fast of Gedalyah, 10 of Teves and the Fast of Esther.
      true if today is a fast day
    • isTaanisBechoros

      public boolean isTaanisBechoros()
      Return true if the day is Taanis Bechoros (on Erev Pesach). It will return true for the 14th of Nissan if it is not on Shabbos, or if the 12th of Nissan occurs on a Thursday.
      true if today is Taanis Bechoros.
    • getDayOfChanukah

      public int getDayOfChanukah()
      Returns the day of Chanukah or -1 if it is not Chanukah.
      the day of Chanukah or -1 if it is not Chanukah.
      See Also:
    • isChanukah

      public boolean isChanukah()
      Returns true if the current day is one of the 8 days of Chanukah.
      if the current day is one of the 8 days of Chanukah.
      See Also:
    • isPurim

      public boolean isPurim()
      Returns if the day is Purim (Shushan Purim in a mukaf choma and regular Purim in a non-mukaf choma).
      if the day is Purim (Shushan Purim in a mukaf choma and regular Purin in a non-mukaf choma)
      See Also:
    • isRoshChodesh

      public boolean isRoshChodesh()
      Returns if the day is Rosh Chodesh. Rosh Hashana will return false
      true if it is Rosh Chodesh. Rosh Hashana will return false
    • isMacharChodesh

      public boolean isMacharChodesh()
      Returns if the day is Shabbos and Sunday is Rosh Chodesh.
      true if it is Shabbos and Sunday is Rosh Chodesh.
      There is more to tweak in this method (it does not cover all cases and opinions), and it may be removed.
    • isShabbosMevorchim

      public boolean isShabbosMevorchim()
      Returns if the day is Shabbos Mevorchim.
      true if it is Shabbos Mevorchim.
    • getDayOfOmer

      public int getDayOfOmer()
      Returns the int value of the Omer day or -1 if the day is not in the Omer.
      The Omer count as an int or -1 if it is not a day of the Omer.
    • isTishaBav

      public boolean isTishaBav()
      Returns if the day is Tisha Be'Av (the 9th of Av).
      if the day is Tisha Be'Av (the 9th of Av).
    • getMoladAsDate

      public Date getMoladAsDate()
      Returns the molad in Standard Time in Yerushalayim as a Date. The traditional calculation uses local time. This method subtracts 20.94 minutes (20 minutes and 56.496 seconds) from the local time (of Har Habayis with a longitude of 35.2354° is 5.2354° away from the %15 timezone longitude) to get to standard time. This method intentionally uses standard time and not daylight savings time. Java will implicitly format the time to the default (or set) Timezone.
      the Date representing the moment of the molad in Yerushalayim standard time (GMT + 2)
    • getTchilasZmanKidushLevana3Days

      Returns the earliest time of Kiddush Levana calculated as 3 days after the molad. This method returns the time even if it is during the day when Kiddush Levana can't be said. Callers of this method should consider displaying the next tzais if the zman is between alos and tzais.
      the Date representing the moment 3 days after the molad.
      See Also:
    • getTchilasZmanKidushLevana7Days

      Returns the earliest time of Kiddush Levana calculated as 7 days after the molad as mentioned by the Mechaber. See the Bach's opinion on this time. This method returns the time even if it is during the day when Kiddush Levana can't be said. Callers of this method should consider displaying the next tzais if the zman is between alos and tzais.
      the Date representing the moment 7 days after the molad.
      See Also:
    • getSofZmanKidushLevanaBetweenMoldos

      Returns the latest time of Kiddush Levana according to the Maharil's opinion that it is calculated as halfway between molad and molad. This adds half the 29 days, 12 hours and 793 chalakim time between molad and molad (14 days, 18 hours, 22 minutes and 666 milliseconds) to the month's molad. This method returns the time even if it is during the day when Kiddush Levana can't be recited. Callers of this method should consider displaying alos before this time if the zman is between alos and tzais.
      the Date representing the moment halfway between molad and molad.
      See Also:
    • getSofZmanKidushLevana15Days

      Returns the latest time of Kiddush Levana calculated as 15 days after the molad. This is the opinion brought down in the Shulchan Aruch (Orach Chaim 426). It should be noted that some opinions hold that the Rema who brings down the the Maharil's opinion of calculating it as half way between molad and molad is of the opinion of the Mechaber as well. Also see the Aruch Hashulchan. For additional details on the subject, See Rabbi Dovid Heber's very detailed writeup in Siman Daled (chapter 4) of Shaarei Zmanim. This method returns the time even if it is during the day when Kiddush Levana can't be said. Callers of this method should consider displaying alos before this time if the zman is between alos and tzais.
      the Date representing the moment 15 days after the molad.
      See Also:
    • getDafYomiBavli

      public Daf getDafYomiBavli()
      Returns the Daf Yomi (Bavli) for the date that the calendar is set to. See the HebrewDateFormatter.formatDafYomiBavli(Daf) for the ability to format the daf in Hebrew or transliterated masechta names.
      the daf as a Daf
    • getDafYomiYerushalmi

      Returns the Daf Yomi (Yerushalmi) for the date that the calendar is set to. See the HebrewDateFormatter.formatDafYomiYerushalmi(Daf) for the ability to format the daf in Hebrew or transliterated masechta names.
      the daf as a Daf
    • getTekufasTishreiElapsedDays

      Returns the elapsed days since Tekufas Tishrei. This uses Tekufas Shmuel (identical to the Julian Year with a solar year length of 365.25 days). The notation used below is D = days, H = hours and C = chalakim. Molad BaHaRad was 2D,5H,204C or 5H,204C from the start of Rosh Hashana year 1. For molad Nissan add 177D, 4H and 438C (6 * 29D, 12H and 793C), or 177D,9H,642C after Rosh Hashana year 1. Tekufas Nissan was 7D, 9H and 642C before molad Nissan according to the Rambam, or 170D, 0H and 0C after Rosh Hashana year 1. Tekufas Tishrei was 182D and 3H (365.25 / 2) before tekufas Nissan, or 12D and 15H before Rosh Hashana of year 1. Outside of Israel we start reciting Tal Umatar in Birkas Hashanim from 60 days after tekufas Tishrei. The 60 days include the day of the tekufah and the day we start reciting Tal Umatar. 60 days from the tekufah == 47D and 9H from Rosh Hashana year 1.
      the number of elapsed days since tekufas Tishrei.
      See Also:
    • isVeseinTalUmatarStartDate

      Use TefilaRules.isVeseinTalUmatarStartDate(JewishCalendar) instead. This method will be removed in the v3.0 release.
      Returns if it is the Jewish day (starting the evening before) to start reciting Vesein Tal Umatar Livracha (Sheailas Geshamim). In Israel this is the 7th day of Marcheshvan. Outside Israel recitation starts on the evening of December 4th (or 5th if it is the year before a civil leap year) in the 21st century and shifts a day forward every century not evenly divisible by 400. This method will return true if vesein tal umatar on the current Jewish date that starts on the previous night, so Dec 5/6 will be returned by this method in the 21st century. vesein tal umatar is not recited on Shabbos and the start date will be delayed a day when the start day is on a Shabbos (this can only occur out of Israel).
      true if it is the first Jewish day (starting the prior evening of reciting Vesein Tal Umatar Livracha (Sheailas Geshamim)).
      See Also:
    • isVeseinTalUmatarStartingTonight

      Use TefilaRules.isVeseinTalUmatarStartingTonight(JewishCalendar) instead. This method will be removed in the v3.0 release.
      Returns true if tonight is the first night to start reciting Vesein Tal Umatar Livracha ( Sheailas Geshamim). In Israel this is the 7th day of Marcheshvan (so the 6th will return true). Outside Israel recitation starts on the evening of December 4th (or 5th if it is the year before a civil leap year) in the 21st century and shifts a day forward every century not evenly divisible by 400. Vesein tal umatar is not recited on Shabbos and the start date will be delayed a day when the start day is on a Shabbos (this can only occur out of Israel).
      true if it is the first Jewish day (starting the prior evening of reciting Vesein Tal Umatar Livracha (Sheailas Geshamim)).
      See Also:
    • isVeseinTalUmatarRecited

      Use TefilaRules.isVeseinTalUmatarRecited(JewishCalendar) instead. This method will be removed in the v3.0 release.
      Returns if Vesein Tal Umatar Livracha (Sheailas Geshamim) is recited. This will return true for the entire season, even on Shabbos when it is not recited.
      true if Vesein Tal Umatar Livracha (Sheailas Geshamim) is recited.
      See Also:
    • isVeseinBerachaRecited

      Use TefilaRules.isVeseinBerachaRecited(JewishCalendar) instead. This method will be removed in the v3.0 release.
      Returns if Vesein Beracha is recited. It is recited from 15 Nissan to the point that vesein tal umatar is recited.
      true if Vesein Beracha is recited.
      See Also:
    • isMashivHaruachStartDate

      Use TefilaRules.isMashivHaruachStartDate(JewishCalendar) instead. This method will be removed in the v3.0 release.
      Returns if the date is the start date for reciting Mashiv Haruach Umorid Hageshem. The date is 22 Tishrei.
      true if the date is the start date for reciting Mashiv Haruach Umorid Hageshem.
      See Also:
    • isMashivHaruachEndDate

      Use TefilaRules.isMashivHaruachEndDate(JewishCalendar) instead. This method will be removed in the v3.0 release.
      Returns if the date is the end date for reciting Mashiv Haruach Umorid Hageshem. The date is 15 Nissan.
      true if the date is the end date for reciting Mashiv Haruach Umorid Hageshem.
      See Also:
    • isMashivHaruachRecited

      Use TefilaRules.isMashivHaruachRecited(JewishCalendar) instead. This method will be removed in the v3.0 release.
      Returns if Mashiv Haruach Umorid Hageshem is recited. This period starts on 22 Tishrei and ends on the 15th day of Nissan.
      true if Mashiv Haruach Umorid Hageshem is recited.
      See Also:
    • isMoridHatalRecited

      @Deprecated public boolean isMoridHatalRecited()
      Use TefilaRules.isMoridHatalRecited(JewishCalendar) instead. This method will be removed in the v3.0 release.
      Returns if Morid Hatal (or the lack of reciting Mashiv Haruach following nussach Ashkenaz) is recited. This period starts on 22 Tishrei and ends on the 15th day of Nissan.
      true if Morid Hatal (or the lack of reciting Mashiv Haruach following nussach Ashkenaz) is recited.
    • isIsruChag

      public boolean isIsruChag()
      Returns true if the current day is Isru Chag. The method returns true for the day following Pesach Shavuos and Succos. It utilizes to return the proper date.
      true if the current day is Isru Chag. The method returns true for the day following Pesach Shavuos and Succos. It utilizes to return the proper date.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object object)
      Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
      equals in class JewishDate
      See Also:
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class JewishDate
      See Also: