The latest code-base is now hosted in the KosherJava Zmanim GitHub repository. Compiled Jar files can be downloaded from Maven Central’s KosherJava zmanim project. To download the Jar, click on the latest version and you will see a download link on the top right corner.
Last updated on Sep 30, 2020 – י״ב תשרי תשפ״א
I am looking to be able to use functions like these from VB.NET. Any idea how I could do that?
If you are familiar with .NET, porting the code is not a complex job. You can also try using the Microsoft JCLA for the job, though I have no experience with it. If you do plan on porting it, let me know if you need a version under the LGPL as opposed to the GPL that it is currently released under.
If anyone converted it to VB.NET or C#.NET I would like to get the source code or at least the DLL. (please post it here if posible)
I tried converting it with JCLA but it didn’t work, so I made a J#.NET Project and I got some compilation errors
Has anyone had any luck converting the code into or an exe which outputs zmanim depending on the parameters entered?
I do not know much about VB, but attempts to do this ran into some minor issue with decimal formats that were for the most part in the toString methods and can probably be easily fixed. You can try to use the source code to try this yourself.
Do you have the code
Available with asp or cold fusion or JavaScript
No, the API is currently only available in Java. Since the source is available, it should be trivial for any ASP or Cold Fusion developer to port the code. Please let me know if you do indeed port it.
which one from the list of jars has functionality of converting georgian date into the hebrew date?
(Prefers that hebrew date will be returned as string…)
Anyone knows?
None do. Zmanim calculations are based on the solar calendar, so none of the jars include this functionality. There are a few packages that do this, but not mine. The only calendar conversion routine that I wrote, is the PHP WordPress Hebrew date Plugin. I may post some information on calendar conversion some time in the future.
any news for version?
There is a C# .NET port that is being very actively developed. It will probably work in VB.NET. Yitzchok’s code can be seen at the Zmanim .NET project page.
Hey ,
How Can I convert this jar to support Android?
it works find in android. just include it in your project as you would any other JAR.
I’m trying to use the jar file in my android app, I imported the library but the first method call to the api (whichever method, tried multiple) causes it to crash. Any advice on how you got it to work?
What are you looking to convert? Have you seen the Android Zmanim Using the KosherJava Zmanim API post? As per Jay, there was no work required for him to use the jar on the Android.
First of all, great code, it helped me alot – thank you.
One question – Why can’t the elevetion be negative? I need to set the calender for Tiberia and it’s below see level..
When you are below sea level the reason you see sunrise later and sunset earlier is due to obstructions (natural in this case) blocking the horizon. Would you expect sunrise to be an hour or 2 before chatzos and an hour or 2 after chatzos when you were at the floor of the Grand Canyon? Secondly, calculating netz hanireh (visual sunrise) requires much more than elevation. You need to calculate how far you are from the obstruction, how high it is etc to know the angle to the horizon. I will try to post more details some time in the future.
How can I set The location in Buenos Aires Argentina
when I PUT THE LAT&LONG there is no choice for south and west
Please read the documentation on the GeoLocation class. From the documentation:
Just met a problem with a user from Caracas, Venezuela.
there is GTM offset equals -4.5 hours. But zmanim are counted as -5 hours GMT offset.
Have you met previously such a problem?
I specify correct TimeZone with correct offset, but times are calculated incorrectly.
Thanks for any tips and suggestions.
just checked out the map. You have just the same issue with Caracas – full hour. But in your case it is -4.0
Timezone: America/Caracas, Venezuela Time (GMT -4.0). I think I have 5 hours, due to the reason, that I count also DST.
Please investigate, where the problem might occur.
thank you in advance.
The issue with America/Caracas is that my host has a very old version of the Olson database for Java. I will have to implement a manual override for this case. It will take a few days. I am surprised that Android that should have an up to date Olson database has an issue.
The issue is now resolved in both the Zmanim map and the Zmanim Calendar by overriding the old Olson database with the following:
The real truth is that with my host not updating the Java version, many places in the world will have an incorrect timezone. It is very hard to manually update my code to match all of the Java time zone changes in my hosts old Java version.
where can i find hebrew values for things like hebrewParshiyos?
there is XML file or somthing in hebrew?
(translate “\u05D1\u05E8\u05D0\u05E9\u05D9\u05EA”)
thanks a lot.
I assume that you pulled that from the source. The characters are simply escaped Unicode. You can convert it with any the Unicode Code Converter, or any other tool. In this case the unescaped value is בראשית.
I was not able to get the sources.
The google code page is not found.
May you help?
Best regards,
Thank you for pointing this out. I made a quick update to point to the Zmanim GitHub repository. The jar files are not there, but the source is.
Out of curiosity, how do you expect to use the code?
Where can i download a jar file? I can not find it. Thank you
I updated the old links. This page should now have the proper links.
Thank you
JewishCalender class from the jar file doesn’t have getParshaIndex() function. Why? Or do i misunderstand anything?
The parsha code was removed due to licensing issues. See KosherJava Zmanim Issue #106 for additional information.
So now is there any way to get the current Parsha?
You can grab the source from the old code.
When can i found the old code?
I posted a new post about the removal of the parsha code at Parsha Code Removed from KosherJava Zmanim Calendar API.
The new Parsha Code Removed from KosherJava Zmanim Calendar API post has a link to the removed code.
Hello. Is it possible to get a Chumash week by date with this library? Thank you.
Yes. See sample code at Using the Zmanim API 1.3.0 Jewish Calendar Code. The article may be old, but it is still relevant.
Why doesn’t the jar in libs include the YerushalmiYomiCalculator?
I’ll be building the lib myself, I guess. I just thought the need was weird.
My apologies about that. The jar is simply out of date and predates the daf yomi yerushalmi code. I will try to update it over the next few weeks.
Well, if the new parashah code is ready, I would be happy if you folded that in before building this jar too.
Meanwhile, thanks for what I *do* have.
See the comment below.
It appears that zamnim library uses Java’s
classes. Any chance of incorporating the date-time API that was added in Java 1.8 ?Avi,
Until under a year ago the library actually fully supported JDK 1.4. A recent PR broke that and introduced code that requires JDK 1.5, so we are making progress. I have been asked this in the past, and I will likely get to that point one day. I would recommend that you add it as an issue in the KosherJava GitHub issue tracking list. There is a very similar PR to add LocalDate to the calendar portion.
Hi, is there a maven repo that hosts the code that I can just add as a dependency to my project? Or do i need to download an actual jar file and add it manually?
You have to download the jar (or compile it).
Late comment, but thanks to Eli Julian above, who not only asked, but actually addressed it, we now have this support. See the KosherJava Zmanim Library Package Name and Build Process Update post.
I’m building an Internet site on a WIX system in memory of my father
subject: Judaism Halacha and customs
I want to put ZEMANIM in there
Is it possible ? how ?
Thanks in advance
I do not know anything about WIX, but the zmanim code has been ported to many languages including two ports to JavaScript/TypeScript that can be used in WIX.