Vasikin Calendar

This Vasikin calendar generator will generate an annual calendar for a vasikin minyan, allowing you to set the various offsets from sunrise and other options. The Excel output is set to allow nicely formatted printing. It is a variant of the Zmanim Calendar. If all of the offsets for a specific zman are set to zero, the column will be skipped in the output. For example, a minyan that does not require the time for Baruch Kevod should leave the minute and second values for all four variants of the Baruch Kevod offset at 0 and the column will be skipped. There are some vasikin minyanim who use temperature to adjust the time, as well as other fixed offsets in an attempt to ensure that Shmonah Esrei does not start too early. That is not currently supported.

Location (1)
Latitude (2) Longitude (3) Elevation (4) Time Zone (5)
Algorithm (6) Year (7)
Language (8) AM/PM (9)
Elevation (10) Print Title (11)
Brachos – Time Before Sunrise
Weekday Minutes Seconds Shabbos Minutes Seconds Yom Tov Minutes Seconds RH / YK
Minutes Seconds
Rabi Yishmael – Time Before Sunrise
Weekday Minutes Seconds Shabbos Minutes Seconds Yom Tov Minutes Seconds RH / YK
Minutes Seconds
Yishtabach / Shochen Ad / Hamelech – Time Before Sunrise
Weekday Minutes Seconds Shabbos Minutes Seconds Yom Tov Minutes Seconds RH / YK
Minutes Seconds
Baruch Kevod – Time Before Sunrise
Weekday Minutes Seconds Shabbos Minutes Seconds Yom Tov Minutes Seconds RH / YK
Minutes Seconds
Shema – Time Before Sunrise
Weekday Minutes Seconds Shabbos Minutes Seconds Yom Tov Minutes Seconds RH / YK
Minutes Seconds
Emes – Time Before Sunrise
Weekday Minutes Seconds Shabbos Minutes Seconds Yom Tov Minutes Seconds RH / YK
Minutes Seconds
Tzur Yisrael – Time Before Sunrise
Weekday Minutes Seconds Shabbos Minutes Seconds Yom Tov Minutes Seconds RH / YK
Minutes Seconds

1. This field will display as the location in the generated calendar. Manually entering a location will search for it (either by clicking the find button, or by changing to another field) and attempt to find it on a map. If found it will set the latitude, longitude and elevation of the first matching location found. Please ensure that the location on the map matches the location you are looking for. This look-up will not set the time zone. Please select the proper time zone.

2. Use the decimal format such as 40.096 for Lakewood, NJ. Use negative numbers south of the equator.
Note: For far northern (or southern) locations, there are times of the year that the sun will never be below or above the horizon (and actually calculate to an invalid mathematical value, see JavaDocs of AstronomicalCalendar for more information). The calendar displays a value of N/A. You can use the Map to select the latitude and longitude for your location. To use this feature, use the map controls to get to the desired location and click on it. This will set the longitude and latitude for the point on the map that you clicked. In addition, updating the latitude and longitude in the form will move the pin to the selected location.

3. Use the decimal format such as -74.222 for Lakewood, NJ. Use negative numbers west of the prime meridian (Greenwich). See the previous note for additional information.

4. Elevation in Meters above sea level. Negative numbers can not be used. This is used if you opt to calculate vasikin at elevation. This will only have an effect if the “Use Elevation” option is set to yes (see note # 10). Use 0 to use sea-level sunrise. Using sea-level sunrise is recomended by many poskim to avoid the possibility of davening before hanetz hachama.
Note: Elevation lookup courtesy of Google’s elevation API.

5. Please check that the correct time zone was set by the system for the selected location.

6. Different algorithms are available for the sunrise / sunset calculations that form the basis for all zmanim calculations. NOAA is the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration algorithm. USNO is the US Naval Observatory algorthm.

7. The year is used to ensure correct start and end of daylight savings time. It will also ensure that the the proper Jewish date is dsplayed and that February 29th is present on a leap year.
Note: The calculation of zmanim remain almost identical from year to year (with a drop of a change for the 1/4 day difference mostly fixed by the leap year every 4th year) using the USNO algorithm, so the calendar can be used for any year. The NOAA algorithm adjusts the calculation based on the year and will be more accurate if you set the proper year.

8. Hebrew will generate a file with all Hebrew text and an RTL layout. English will generate a file in English with headers using Ashkenazi transliteration. Mixed will generate an LTR spreadsheet with some data in Hebrew.

9. If yes, the output will be in the format of “6:49:38 AM”, while if not, “6:49:38” will appear in the file. If Hebrew language is selected this will be ignored, and AM/PM will not be displayed.

10. If set to “No” (the default), sea level sunrise will be used. If set to Yes, the elevation will be used.

11. The title that will appear in the header when printed. Typically fill in the minyan name and address.