The KosherJava Zmanim API version 2.4.0 was released on Nov 27, 2022 ד׳ כסלו תשפ״ג in Maven and GitHub.
New in Version 2.4.0
- Added JewishCalendar.getUpcomingParshah() that returns the upcoming Parsha regardless of the day of week.
- Change YerushalmiYomiCalculator to return null on Yom Kippur and Tisha Be’Av when there is no Daf.
- Add some Luach Ahavat Shalom Zmanim.
- Add BeHaB to the JewishCalendar class.
- Add Yom Kippur Katan and Isru Chag to the JewishCalendar class.
- Add the TefilaRules class, a utility class for info like:
- is Vesain Tal Umatar recited etc.
- is Tachanun recited during shacharis or mincha.
- Is Hallel or Hallel Shalem recited
- Deprecate the tefila rules methods that existed in JewishCalendar class in favor of using the ones in the TefilaRules class.
- Add getSamuchLeMinchaKetana zman.
- Deprecate getSofZmanShmaFixedLocal() and getSofZmanTfilaFixedLocal() with future plans of removal.
- Deprecate multiple “dangerous” zmanim as an alert to developers. These will be retained and not removed from the API.