The release of the iPhone 3G got me thinking about zmanim on the iPhone. While I would eventually like to create a free native iPhone zmanim app, for now I created a simple iPhone web app to test out the UI. While only of alpha quality, the
iZmanim web app (no longer available) should properly work on an iPhone (tested in Safari on Windows and iPhone emulators). These is a settings page that persists changes made. The iZmanim web app was built using the iUI framework. iZmanim can be tested with any Webkit browser. For the full effect, try it using the iPhone Tester on Safari. Please note that it will not properly load in IE or Firefox.
If any Cocoa/Objective C/iPhone developers would like to give a hand in developing the native iZmanim, please contact me.
As mentioned in the 3 Native iPhone Zmanim Applications in the App Store post, this effort has now been abandoned.