The Zmanim API currently has 2 sample classes in the
output package (no longer available). One the ZmanimXLSGenerator outputs zmanim as an Excel spreadsheet and is currently used in the Zmanim Calendar Generator, the other that is not fully maintained outputs zmanim in a PDF format (no longer available). I just started work on the third output class. This will generate an RSS feed of zmanim for a given location. I plan on outputting zmanim for the current day and the following week. The API that will be used is ROME. It seems pretty stable and relatively easy to use.
When will your RSS feed for the Monsey Zmanim be ready?
Please let me know.
Eli Wiener
Thank You!
At this point the RSS development is off my radar. The classes can easily generate XML that anyone can use to generate an RSS feed.
How can i generate a XML to generate a RSS feed. Is this a simple thing to do?
For a Java developer this is very simple. Just serialize the Calendar object as a String. The toString() method in the AstronomicalCalendar base class returns zmanim as an XML string.